Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Civil War Stitch Along Club
Happy Stitching! Carol
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
New Online Magazine Coming Soon

Friday, December 10, 2010
SNOWY 20% off

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A Year of Civil War

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Civil War Stitch Along Club
Happy Stitching! Carol
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Freedom Is Not Free

God Bless the Veterans and the United States of America
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Civil War Nine Patch

Monday, November 8, 2010
Civil War Fabrics

Friday, October 22, 2010
New Quilt Pattern

It has been a while since I have turned out a quilt pattern, but here is a new one using the Holly Taylor Botanical line. I think it works well as either a Christmas wall hanging or a table canter.It measures slightly over 36 inches square and goes together real easy.
This past week we have been very busy getting things ready for the Houston Market. While we will not be attending, we will have several new items there that some of or distributors and quilt shops are taking.The last of everything went out today, so we are all kind of resting tonight.
However, just as I finish one project I have about 5 others going in my brain, so as soon as I can see my way clear of the clutter from our busy week, I will be ready to go on to the next thing. You will have to keep watching as around the first of the year we will be ready with a whole new line of Vintage ornaments.
Thanks to all of you who have been such good customers this past year, drop us a line and tell us what you are up to; we love to hear from our customers! I really enjoy visiting with shop owners when they call in orders.
Well, keep those needles oiled up for some fun stitching coming your way real soon.
Happy Stitching! Carol
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Taking Time To Reflect

Friday, September 17, 2010
Fall Is Here, But So Is Spring!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Early Morning Thinking!
Happy Stitching! Carol
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Picture I Promised!
Oh what a beautiful morning! Here is the picture I promised about my new little friends. She is so special, just a little lady, and weighs just barely 5 lbs. The perfect lap dog she is! Rarely do you get everything you want in a pet, but this one is a Bingo! Maybe that is what I should have called her, but she came with the name Katie and it just kind of fit her so we stayed with that.
You all have a good day, and hey ladies (and gents!) today looks like a great day to stitch out in the porch! The weather here in Minnesota is beautiful today, "thank you God", after yesterday!
The temperature was 90 degrees and the humidity was about that, very uncomfortable to say the least. It is cool enough today that I might just even cook something in the oven for a change for supper. Oh well, lots of stitching to do before then!
Happy Stitching! Carol
"I sing because I am happy, I sing because I am free, for His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me!"
Sunday, July 25, 2010
A Beautiful Morning!!

The sun is shining brightly, the humdity is not bad, the temperature is 68. It's going to be a great day! Besides that we are having a birthday party for my seven year old grandson, so cake and ice cream later. A perfect day!!
I am also writing to introduce my newest little friend. I got a new puppy, well not exactly a puppy, but she is three years old, and her name is Katie. She is a toy Pomerainian, and she barely weighs 5 lbs. She is white on the bottom, and a mix of cream color and strawberry blond on top. I do not have a picture of her yet, but I will have later today. I am so excited about her; she stole my heart at the first glimpse of her. She is the sweetest little thing and my husband actually likes her! He does not like "yappy" little dogs, but she is not yappy, and she is so special. I love having a lap dog and one that lays at my feet when I sew, and besides someone to talk to when my husband is off all day doing his work.
Now, I can get down to some serious sewing. This week I will be releasing patterns for three new miniature kits that I have designed, all using reproduction fabrics. I am also going to start working on the designs for my book which will also be all quilt patterns using only reproduction fabrics, both the 1930's and the Civil War era. I am totally in love with those fabrics, and I don't know why. I am really excited to get started though. Last year we spent so much time on remodeling the house that I didn't get many big projects done, so now I can get started on those.
Have a great day everybody, and check out my pictures later on today or in the morning, and
take some time today to spend with family or take a stitching projects out onto the porch and stitch in this beautiful weather. For those of you who have had bad weather, and are experiencing floods, power outages, or extreme heat, just know that we are all thinking of you and praying that your weather gets bettter soon.
Happy Stitching! Carol
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Special Requests!

Happy Stitching! Carol
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Should I or Shouldn't I??

Happy Stitching! Carol
Friday, June 18, 2010
Minnesota Does It Up Big!

Just thought I would share with you a few more of my new line of "Sew Special" Ornaments. I just started this line, only have about five of them ready, so they will keep coming for awhile. We have been at the Minnesota Quilt Show for the last two days, and "Wow," what a good show it is. If you are in the area, and haven't stopped to see what is all there, I highly recommend that you do tomorrow. It will be the last day, but it is worth the time. A great bunch of quilters who stopped to make purchases, and chat a bit. It was fun seeing them all.It makes me happy to be a part of this industry. Women and fabric just go together!! I even saw a few guys there and even one dog!! It is really nice to see husbands who come along to help tote stuff for "their women." They are good guys that keep their women happy! So keep on stitching ladies, it looks like there are more quilts needed as many blew away in the tornadoes that went through Minnesota these past couple of days. I think Mother Nature is having menopause or something! Remember all those who had damage or were injured in your prayers tonight, please.
Happy Stitching! Carol
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Feathered Star Ornament
The clock is striking 1:00am so I guess I should call it a day. For some reason the days are rolling by really fast!! I find though that I really like the hours from about 1:00pm to 1:00am for getting stuff done. It is quiet and I can really concentrate on what I am doing.
It was a good day to sit and stitch and think about those who have gone before us, especially those who have given their lives for our country and our freedom. It is the ultimate sacrifice and I for one am so grateful to them. Since I am not that courageous, or physically able to fight I guess my job is to keep all of them in my prayers and ask God to hasten peace for our world.
Have a great Memorial Day!
Happy Stitching! Carol
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
You Asked, and We Answered!

Also, just a quick reminder to folks that we will be at the MN Quilt Show which is going to happen in June in St. Cloud, MN at the Civic Center. Show dates are June 17th-20th. It should be a great time, and it is always held at the Civic Center which is located on the banks of the beautiful Mississippi River. A great view while you are looking at all the quilts.
Stay on touch because we will be adding lots of new items just prior to the show or right after.
Happy Stitching! Carol
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hoppy Easter!!

Happy Stitching! Carol
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
More Spring Ornaments!

Have you ever done something so bad that it took you several months to fess up? Well that has happened to me. Last summer I agreed to become part of a Round Robin, you know where you get a group together and each one does a round on a quilt. Well, that was me, five in the group, my fist block came in the mail, I was so excited to get started on it because when I opened it, it was a patriotic block. I am the biggest fan of patriotic or Americana things. I started on it right away, wasn't sure how it was going to look but did one side of the block to see if I liked it, and I did. So I proceeded to cut the fabric for the other side, and when I was cutting a strip off of a piece of fabric, I didn't realize that the finished part had gotten under my rotary cutter. Needless to say, it wasn't good. I cut a big chunk out of the block that someone else had made. OMG!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Spring Has Sprung At Chickadee Hollow!!

Monday, February 1, 2010
Bluebirds & Quilts

Yeah!! January is over and it won't be long and we will be seeing the bluebirds checking out their nesting spots. If you have bluebirds who typically nest in your yard or nearby, do them a favor and clean out their houses for them. If the weather gets nice, you can see them as early as March.
This is a pencil sketch that I did a while back and I also used some watercolor touches on it. It just reminds me so much of spring that I just had to share it with you today to hopefully make it seem like Spring is not that far off. Our Winter started early this year the first of December we already had snow on the ground and it was bitter cold and it has continued through January except for about a week when we had a break of 30 degree weather. So we are ready!!!!
I will be posting some more of my Spring Ornaments, by the end of the week, which by the way are called the Heirloom Ornament line.
Thanks for checking in.
Happy Stitching! Carol
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Spring In My Heart, But Winter Outside!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Spring Preview

The weather has been great here for the last week, with temperatures in the low 30's. That is wonderful for January in Minnesota. It sure does get the spring fever going though. But I have lived here long enough to know that we have a lot of winter ahead of us yet. But, I can pretend it is Spring as I work on some new things for Spring. I am teasing you today with a little Spring/Easter Ornament or Charm, whatever you want to call them. We should have them all ready by the last week in January.
I think the winter is going pretty fast, course I spend a lot of time here in my "happy room." It helps to have something to do. We have several shows coming up and also a lot of trunk show to do, so we are basically booked up until the Minnesota Quilt Show which is in June. After that it will be time to start working on things for this fall.
Remember to take some time and count your blessings and pray for the people of Haiti and please if you are able to donate, give if you can. They can use all of our prayers and anything else we can share with them. I did hear that right now is not the time to start donating quilts and other furnishings. Right now they need water and food to survive and rest will have to be for later.
Enjoy the rest of the winter season, and will share some more goodies with you later in the month.
Happy Stitching! Carol
Saturday, January 2, 2010
A Time To Be Grateful
with all of your nice comments, your support of my products, and the encouragement that I get
from so many of you. I enjoy hearing from all of you, and it is a pleasure to meet so many of you
via cyberspace. In the coming year, we will continue to bring you some new ideas and more
"fun stuff." I can not do this business by myself, and I have to mention the gals who help me with
various aspects of the business. Thanks to Vickie, Judy#1, Joyce, Judy#2, Christi, and my
husband who run errands, makes trips to the post office, and supports me in many ways. Thanks
again to each and every one of you!!
Happy Stitching! Carol