It's been a quiet day, very cool after the heat 0f yesterday so I worked on a new ornament line that I am planning to have ready by the MN Quilt Show which is June 17th, 18th, and 19th from 9:00am-5:00pm at the St Cloud Civic Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Hope to see some of you there! The clock is striking 1:00am so I guess I should call it a day. For some reason the days are rolling by really fast!! I find though that I really like the hours from about 1:00pm to 1:00am for getting stuff done. It is quiet and I can really concentrate on what I am doing. It was a good day to sit and stitch and think about those who have gone before us, especially those who have given their lives for our country and our freedom. It is the ultimate sacrifice and I for one am so grateful to them. Since I am not that courageous, or physically able to fight I guess my job is to keep all of them in my prayers and ask God to hasten peace for our world.Have a great Memorial Day!
Happy Stitching! Carol
Many of you have asked if we are going to print the Spring/Easter line of ornaments in the tea dyed version. So, we decided to do it, and here is one of the first ones completed. We do not have them all ready yet, but you can watch for some them to be added to the website within the next week. I really like them done like this, however I like the Natural too. They are great fun to do and you can do one easily in an evening or two.Also, just a quick reminder to folks that we will be at the MN Quilt Show which is going to happen in June in St. Cloud, MN at the Civic Center. Show dates are June 17th-20th. It should be a great time, and it is always held at the Civic Center which is located on the banks of the beautiful Mississippi River. A great view while you are looking at all the quilts.Stay on touch because we will be adding lots of new items just prior to the show or right after.Happy Stitching! Carol