- Chickadee Hollow Designs "Where hand made is home spun and any day stitching is a great day!"
Sure hope you have started on those Christmas projects!It's coming up fast!Our
big news for this week is that we have reduced the price on our Bag
Ladies from $12.00 each to $9.00 each! These are pre-printed and
pre-colored and make a beautiful throw when completed. Ask your husband
to get it for you for Christmas this year!
- Stash Busters Club
starting in the New Year, sign up any time, you must register for the
club. More details coming soon, you won't want to miss it. Have you been
thinking you need to reduce your stash? Want some new ideas on how to
do it? How about organizing your stash. New speedy ways to cut your
blocks for quilts. Join Us!! 320-354-2456
- * * * * * * *Books: We have added books to our website from some of our favorite authors, Gail Pan, Kim Diehl, Jo Morton, Lynette Anderson, Kathy Schmitz, and several more, so check those out.
Books are 20% off thru the weekend.Use Code:6R8RA

plus more on our website.!!
Ornaments added to a couple of our lines, in the Vintage Christmas, we
have added 4 more, Santa's Pup, Santa's Truck, Santa Deer, and Santa's
Elf (on the shelf!) For those of you who have been collecting them, it's
time to add some new ones. I know several of you have done whole sets
for your children. What a wonderful keepsake!

Celbrate Christmas with us November 7 thru the 15th!
Jingle Socks:
These can actually be made into little stocking that are big enough to
hold Gift Card, Personal messages, or Checks and Cash. They can also be
made into just plain ornaments if you choose.

Buttons and Charms: We have added a lot of new buttons to our website also.
We have over 160 different kinds of buttons with lots of variety! We also carry red and dark royal blue glass beads for those of you who are doing either the Red Work and Blue Work Christmas Ornament Lines. You will find those listed on the Red and Blue Work pages of the website.Check it out at http://www.chickadeehollowdesigns.com
or call us at 320-354-2456 to order or order online!
Be ready to celebrate Christmas with us the November 9th thru the 16th!
A prize every day for one lucky win
Happy Stitching! Carol
Announcing: Our Annual Button Brawl and Ornament Crawl
Now through October 13th, 30% off all Buttons and Ornaments
Please use CODE: 26GD8
All 10 lines of our ornaments and all the buttons!!
Hurry, Don't wait until they are all gone!!
Happy Stitching! Carol